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Strip foundations (also called strip footings) are continuous linear strip, often made from concrete. They are a shallow foundation designed to support a light to moderate load (for example linear walls used to build a low-medium rise residential building).

The aim is to spread the load over a wide enough area, preventing excess stress on a single point of soil.

Best suited to stable ground conditions with good load-bearing capacity.

  • Subsoils such as:

  • Gravel

  • Sand

  • Solid clay



Simple Cost effective 

Not suitable for heavy structures

Good load bearing capacity 

Dependency on soil structure / quality

Reduced ground disturbance 

Not suitable for high water table


Not suitable for expansive soils (soils which contract with moisture change)

On uneven ground they can be stepped or sloped to follow the terrain. On even ground strip foundations can be laid flat providing an even base.

Requires uniform soils (all soils are relatively similar) or can lead to cracking

Welcome to the secret world of Construction Project Management. In this page we tell you how strip foundations can be used to make your building.

Strip Foundations

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