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Suspended timber ground floors are constructed to create a void between the sub floor and the finished ground floor. This allows a level floor to be constructed regardless of the condition of the floor below.

The most common type of suspended floor in the UK is constructed from timber being laid at 90 degrees across a small course of brickwork supports.


Advantages of suspended timber ground floor


  • Quick technique to erect a level ground floor

  • Low construction cost

  • Reduce moisture absorption from the ground

  • Easier to install services beneath the floor


Disadvantages of suspended timber ground floor


  • Draughts can come up through floorboards

  • Floorboards are noisy to walk on once constructed

  • Require maintenance

  • Susceptible to rotting

  • Limited weight-bearing capacity compared to other floors


Key words


  • Floorboards – a long plank of wood used to make up the floor

  • Course of Brickwork – a continuous row of bricks running horizontally in a wall

  • Void – an empty space

Welcome to the secret world of Construction Project Management. In this page we tell you how a suspended timber ground floor can be used to make your building.

Suspended Timber Ground Floor

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